Welcome to Frogprince Baby Music.
Notice board and latest updates:
Some events resume on the week starting Monday the 19th of April. Find more info below and keep an eye on this page for further updates.
The weekly on-line streaming session is on every Thursday 11am on E&C Community Hub fb page
Drop-In Events Calendar 2021
The Calendar of events 2021 will be announced soon. Some events resume on the week starting Monday 19th of April 2021.
Friday classes at Stepney City Farm resume on April 23rd. You can already book your sessions HERE.
Sessions will be pre-booked slots only and max 15 parents per group.
I am developing a booking system that will allow to book from this website.
Until June at least events will most probably run outdoor at all times.
Keep an eye on this page for further updates.

Hackney City Farm on Wednesday morning

Hackney City Farm on Wednesday morning

Stefano Antoci D'Agostino

Hackney City Farm on Wednesday morning